XI. Publications: Articles, Chapters, Notes
1. "The Representative Firm and Imperfect Competition", Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, XXVII, May 1961, 236-41.
2. "Malthus and Keynes", Economic Journal LXXII, June 1962, 355-59.
3. "Technology and Aggregate Demand in J.S. Mill's Economic System", Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, XXX, May 1964, 175-84.
4. Contribution, Problèmes de Planification, F. Perroux et al., (Montreal: Les presses de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales), 1964, 241-2
5. "On the Interpretation of the Just Price", Kyklos, XVIII, December 1965, 615-34.
6. "Some Technological Relationships in the Wealth of Nations and Ricardo's Principles", Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, XXXII, May 1966, 184-201.
7. "The Role of the State in Vocational Training: The Classical Economists' View", Southern Economic Journal, XXXIV, April 1968, 513-525.
8. "The Role of Fixed Technical Coefficients in the Evolution of the Wages-Fund Controversy", Oxford Economic Papers, XX, November 1968, 320-41.
9. "The Role of the State in Vocational Training: Reply to E.G. West," Southern Economic Journal, XXXV, April 1969, 378.
10. "Malthus and the Post-Napoleonic Depression", History of Political Economy, I: 2, Fall 1969, 306-35.
11. "The Development of Ricardo's Position on Machinery", History of Political Economy, 111: 1, 1971, 105-135.
12. "Some Implications of Adam Smith's Analysis of Investment Priorities", History of Political Economy, 111: 2, Fall 1971, 238-64.
13. "Adam Smith's Approach to Economic Development", in P. Hughes and D. Williams, eds., The Varied Pattern: Studies in the 18th Century (Toronto: Hakkert), 1971, 269-96.
14. "Ricardo's Analysis of the Profit Rate, 1813-15", Economica, XL, August 1973, 260-82. Reprinted in H.D. Kurz and N. Salvadori, eds. The Legacy of Piero Sraffa, Cheltenham, UK: An Elgar Reference Collection, 2003, Vol. I, pp. 577-99.
15. "On the Teaching of the History of Economic Thought: Attack the Best Defense", History of Political Economy, VII, Spring 1975, 115-21.
16. "Ricardo and the Corn Profit Model", Economica, vol. XLII, May 1975, 188-202.
17. "The Historical Dimension of the Wealth of Nations", Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Series IV, Volume XIV, 1976, 277-92. Reprinted in J. O'Driscoll, ed., Essays on Adam Smith (Ames: Iowa State U. Press), 1979, 71-84.
18. "Adam Smith's Theory of Value and Distribution", in T. Wilson and A. Skinner, eds., Critical Essays on Adam Smith, Oxford, 1976, 313-23. In GERMAN: "Die Bedeutung von Nutzen and Nachfrage in Wohlstand der Nationen", in H.C. Recktenwald ed., Ethik, Wirtschaft und Staat, Darmstadt, 1985, 193-207.
19. "Ricardianism, J.S. Mill and the Neoclassical Challenge", in J.M. Robson and M. Lane, eds., James and J.S. Mill: Papers of the Centenary Conference (Toronto: UTP, 1976), 67-85.
20. [ ] Quarterly Journal of Economics (Tokyo), XLII, December 1976, 111-2 (JAPANESE).
21. "Smith and Ricardo: Aspects of the 19th Century Legacy", American Economic Review, LXVII, February 1977, 37-41. In JAPANESE: Toyo-Keizai (Oriental Economist), April 1977.
22. "Ricardo and the Corn Laws: A Revision", History of Political Economy, IX, Spring 1977, 1-47. In ITALIAN: Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, LXXXIV, May-June 1976, 280-326.
23. "Adam Smith and the Self-Interest Axiom", Journal of Law and Economics, XX, April 1977, 133-52. In JAPANESE: Academia: Nanzan Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 1978.
24. "The Reception of Ricardian Economics", Oxford Economic Papers, XXIX, July 1977, 1-37.
25. (With Sir John Hicks) "Mr. Ricardo and the Moderns", Quarterly Journal of Economics, XCI, August 1977, 351-69.
26. "The Role of Bentham in the Early Development of Ricardian Theory", The Bentham Newsletter (University College London), No. 3, December 1979, 2-17.
27. "David Ricardo: Economics and Ideology", Literature of Liberty: A Review of Contemporary Liberal Thought, July/September 1979, 5-35.
28. "On Professor Samuelson's Canonical Classical Model", Journal of Economic Literature, XVIII, June 1980, 559-74.
29. The Economics of David Ricardo. "Reply", The Times Literary Supplement, July 11 1980, p. 782.
30. "The Post-Ricardian Dissension: A Case-Study in Economics and Ideology", Oxford Economic Papers, XXXII, November 1980, 370-410.
31. The Economics of David Ricardo. "Reply", Storia del pensiero economico, vol. 8, 1981, pp. 6-7 (ITALIAN).
32. "Conclusion" to The Economics of Adam Smith (1973), Preface to microfiche collection: Adam Smith's References in the Wealth of Nations (New York: Pergamon Press), 1981.
33. "In Memoriam: William Jaffé, 1898-1980", Canadian Journal of Economics, XIV, Feb. 1981, 106-9.
34. "Marxian Economics as General-Equilibrium Theory", History of Political Economy, XIII, Spring 1981, 121-54.
35. "The Economics of David Ricardo: A Response to O'Brien", Oxford Economic Papers, XXIV, March 1982, 224-46.
36. "On Roncaglia's 'Hollander's Ricardo'", Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, IV, Spring 1982, 360-72.
37. "Professor Hollander and Ricardian Economics: A Reply to Moss", Eastern Economic Journal, VIII, July 1982, 237-41.
38. "On the Substantive Identity of the Classical and Neo-Classical Conceptions of Economic Organization: The French Connection in British Classicism", Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 15, Nov. 1982, 586-612. Reprinted in G. Caravale, ed., The Legacy of David Ricardo (Blackwell, Oxford 1985), 13-44.
39. "On the Interpretation of Ricardian Economics: The Assumption Regarding Wages", American Economic Review, vol. 73, May 1983, 314-8.
40. "Professor Garegnani's Defence of Sraffa on the Material Rate of Profit", Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 7, June 1983, 167-74.
41. "William Whewell and J.S. Mill on the Methodology of Political Economy", Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, vol. 14, 1983, 127-68.
42. "J.S. Mill's Defence of Ricardian Economics", Revue d'économie politique, Paris, vol. 93 (1983), 894-99.
43. "J.S. Mill on 'Derived Demand' and the Wage-Fund Recantation", Eastern Economic Journal, vol. 10, Jan/March (1984), 87-98.
44. "Marx and Malthusianism: Marx's Secular Path of Wages", American Economic Review, vol. 74 (March 1984), 139-51.
45. "Dynamic Equilibrium with Constant Wages: J.S. Mill's Malthusian Analysis of the Secular Wage Path", Kyklos, vol. 37 (1984), 247-65.
46. "The Wage Path in Classical Growth Models: Ricardo, Malthus and Mill", Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 36 (1984), 200-12.
47. "Exogenous Factors & Classical Economics", Social Science Information (International Social Science Council), 24 (1985), 423-56. Reprinted in U. Himmelstrand, ed., Windows on Economic Analysis (London: Routledge), 1992.
48. "Marx and Malthusianism: A Reply to Miguel Ramirez", American Economic Review, vol. 76 (June 1986), 548-50.
49. "On Malthus's Population Principle and Social Reform", History of Political Economy, 18 (Summer 1986), 187-236.
50. "On a 'New Interpretation' of Ricardo's Early Treatment of Profitability", Economic Journal, 96 (December 1986), 1091-97.
51. "The Relevance of J.S. Mill: Some Implications for Modern Economics", in R.D.C. Black, ed., Ideas in Economics (Proceedings of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. London: Macmillan), 1986, 129-59.
52. "John Stuart Mill, as Economic Theorist", J. Eatwell, M. Milgate, P. Newman eds., The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics (London and New York: Macmillan), 1987, III, pp. 471-6.
53. "On Mill interpretation since Schumpeter", in W. Thweatt, ed., The Classical Economists (Boston, Mass: Kluwer) 1987, pp. 163-77.
54. "On a Severe Case of Schizophrenia in the History of Economic Thought", History of Economics Newsletter, 38, Spring 1987, pp. 17-19; "A Final Reply from an Unrepentent Paranoiac', ibid., 39, Autumn 1987, pp. 15-17.
55. "On P. Mirowski's 'Physics and the Marginal Revolution'", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 13, 1989, pp. 459-70.
56. "Diminishing Returns and Malthus's First Essay: Theory and Application", Economies et Sociétés, série Oeconomia, Histoire de la pensée économique, PE no. 11, 1989, pp. 11-39.
57. "On Composition of Demand and Income Distribution in Classical Economics", History of Economics Society Bulletin [Journal of the History of Economic Thought], 11, Fall 1989, pp. 216-21.
58. "Malthus and Utilitarianism with special reference to the Essay on Population", Utilitas, 1, Nov. 1989, pp. 170-210.
59. "On Malthus's Vision of the Population Problem in the Essay on Population", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 12, Spring 1990, pp. 1-26.
60. "Ricardian Growth Theory: A Resolution of Some Problems in Textual Interpretation" and "Reply to Professor Stigler and Dr. Peach", Oxford Economic Papers, 42, 1990, pp. 730-50, 769-71.
61. "Mercados precios y distribucion: Por que Marshall estaba en lo correcto con respecto a Ricardo", Economia (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru), 13, June 1990, pp. 9-46 (SPANISH). "Alfred Marshall in Historical Perspective: Why Marshall was right about Ricardo", European Economic Review, 35, May 1991, pp. 313-22.
62. "Marx and the Falling Rate of Profit", in G. Caravale, ed., Marx and Modern Economic Theory, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 1991, vol. II, pp. 3-35.
63. "New Editions of Malthus", Utilitas, 3, November 1991, pp. 303-10.
64. "On the Endogeneity of the Margin and Related Issues in Ricardian Economics", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 13, Fall 1991, pp. 159-74.
65. "History of Economics as History of Science", History of Political Economy, 24, Spring 1992, 212-14.
66. "On Malthus's Physiocratic References", History of Political Economy, 24(2), 1992, pp. 369-80.
67. "On Malthus's Abandonment of Agricultural Protectionism: A Discovery in the History of Economic Thought", American Economic Review, 82, June 1992, pp. 650-9.
68. "The Textual Interpretation of Ricardian Growth Theory: The 'New View' Confirmed (Again)", History of Political Economy, 26, Fall 1994, pp.487-99.
69. "Economic Theory and Policy: An Introduction to John Stuart Mill's Political Economy", in D. Reisman ed., Economic Theory and Political Thought, Kluwer, 1994, pp. 63-101.
70. "On Arnon's Thomas Tooke: Pioneer of Monetary Theory", Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 13, Spring 1995, pp. 273-8.
71. "Malthus as a Physiocrat: Surplus versus Scarcity", Economies et Sociétés, Série Oeconomia, Histoire de la Pensée Economique, P.E. no. 22-23, 1995, pp. 79-116.
72. "Locating Marx after the Fall", History of Political Economy, 27, Spring 1995, 167-71.
73. "Sraffa's Rational Reconstruction of Ricardo: On Three Contributions to the Cambridge Journal of Economics", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 19, June 1995, pp.483-9.
74. "More on Malthus and Agricultural Protection", History of Political Economy, 27, Fall 1995, pp. 531-8.
75. "It's an ill wind ... A memoir", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 17, Fall 1995, pp. 285-306.
76. "Notes on a possible Bentham manuscript: A mystery unresolved", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 20 /5, September 1996, pp. 623-35.
77. "On the Authorship of 'Spence on Commerce' in the Edinburgh Review 1808", Victorian Periodicals Review, 29/4, Winter 1996, pp. 315-29.
78. "Keynes and Malthus: On Some Recent Secondary Literature", The History of Economics Review [Australia], No. 25, Winter-Summer 1996, pp. 127-8.
79. "Introduction" to T.R. Malthus, Essay on Population, reprints of the 1st through 6th editions, London: Routledge-Thoemmes Press, 1996, Vol. I, pp. v-lxiii.
80. "Die 'Corn-Law-Pamphlete' von 1815: Malthus, West, Ricardo and Torrens", in the series Klassiker der National?konomie (D?sseldorf: Verlag Wirtschaft and Finanzen GMBH), 1996, pp. 85-131 (GERMAN). Expanded version: "The Corn-Law Pamphlet Literature of 1815: Malthus, West, Ricardo and Torrens", in The Literature of Political Economy: Collected Essays II, pp. 193-243.
81. "John Stuart Mill", The Elgar Companion to Classical Economics, in H. D. Kurz and N. Salvadori eds., Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998, Vol. II, pp. 131-6.
82. "John Rae and Adam Smith", in O.F. Hamouda, C. Lee and D. Mair eds., The Economics of John Rae, London: Routledge, 1998, pp. 199-221.
83. "'Reappraisal of Malthus the Economist, 1933-1997' by A.M.C. Waterman", History of Political Economy, 30, Summer 1998, pp. 335-41.
84. "Ricardo, Torrens and Sraffa: the untenability of de Vivo's 'Summing up'", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 22, 1998, pp. 617-22.
85. "The Canonical Classical Growth Model: Content, Adherence and Priority", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 19, Fall 1998, pp. 253-77. Reprinted in S. Nistico and D. Tosato eds., Competing Economic Theories: Essays in Memory of Giovanni Caravale, Routledge: London and New York, 2002, pp. 41-66.
86. "Sraffa in Historiographical Perspective: A Provisional Statement", European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 5, Autumn 1998, pp. 429-36.
87. "Sigot on the mystery manuscript: a reply", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 23 (January), 1999, pp. 379-83.
88. "Malthus and Method: A Story in Irony", in S. Daniel, P. Arestis and J. Grahl, eds., The History and Practice of Economics: Essays in Honour of Bernard Corry and Maurice Peston, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, Vol. 2, 1999, pp. 67-80.
89. "Martin Bronfenbrenner as a Comrade-in-Arms in Establishing the 'new classical economics'," American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 58, July 1999, pp. 515-19.
90. "Jeremy Bentham and Adam Smith on the Usury Laws: A 'Smithian' Reply to Bentham and a New Problem", European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. 6 (Winter), 1999, pp. 523-51. Reprinted in The Elgar Companion to Adam Smith, ed. J. Young 2009, 277-99. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar).
91. (With Sandra Peart) "John Stuart Mill's Method in Principle and Practice: A Review of the Evidence", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 20, Winter 1999, pp. 369-98.
92. "Malthus and the Corn Profit Model" and "Rejoinder to Professor Garegnani", in H. Kurz ed., Critical Essays on Piero Sraffa's Legacy in Economics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 198-22 + 246-56.
93. "Sraffa and the Interpretation of Ricardo: the Marxian Dimension", History of Political Economy, 32 (2), 2000, pp. 187-232. Reprinted in Sraffa and Modern Economics, eds. R.Ciccone, C.Gehrke and G. Mongiovi, Routledge: London, 2011, 283-318.
94. (With Sandra Peart) "J.S.Mill's Method: A rejoinder to Abraham Hirsch", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 22, September 2000, pp. 361-6.
95. "'Classical Economics': A Reification wrapped in an Anachronism?" in E. Forget and S. Peart eds., Reflecting on the Classical Canon in Economics, London: Routledge, 2001, pp. 7-26.
96. "On Cannibalism, Torture and Conspiracy. A Reply to Dr. Peach", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 25, 2001, pp. 693-5.
97. "Malthus and Classical Economics: The Malthus-Ricardo Relationship," Cahiers d'économie politique, 38, 2001, pp. 1-13. (In Rivon Le-calcala, March 2002, 49, pp. 189-201. HEBREW).
98. "On John P. Henderson's Life and Economics of David Ricardo", Research in the History and Methodology of Economics, 19A, 2001, pp. 283-95.
99. "Engels-Marx Versus Malthus on Distribution and the Population Issue", in D. Hum, ed., Faith, Reason and Economics: Essays in Honour of Anthony Waterman, Winnipeg: St. John's College Press, 2003, pp.135-52. (In Rivon Le-calcala, June 2003, 50, pp. 363-78. HEBREW.)
100. "Economic Organization, Distribution and the Equality Issue: The Marx-Engels Perspective", Review of Austrian Economics, 17(1), 2004, pp. 5-39. (In Rivon Le-calcala, 2004, 51, pp. 457-77. HEBREW.) Reprinted in The Street Porter and the Philosopher, eds. D.Levy and S.Peart, University of Michigan Press, 2008, pp. 64-107.
101. "Utilitarianism in a Theological Context," (The Economics of T.R. Malthus, pp. 917-48), in R. Whitaker ed., Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, London: Gale Group, 2004. [Vol.145?]
102. "Jean-Baptiste Say and the Classical Canon in Economics: Land-Based Growth Theory," History of Economic Ideas (ITALY), 14(2), 2005, pp.9-28.
103. "New avenues for research on Malthus studies: On Hashimoto and Pullen's 'Two Unpublished Letters of Malthus'," History of Political Economy, 38, Summer 2006, pp. 391-5.
104. "Ricardo as a 'Classical' economist; the 'new view' re-examined. A Reply to Dr. Peach," History of Political Economy, 39, Summer 2007, pp. 307-12.
105. "Continuing a Conversation with Larry Moss (1945-2009)," American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 69, January 2010. Also in Widdy S. Ho ed. Laurence S. Moss 1944-2009, 2010, pp. 51-7. Chichester UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
106. "Marx and Engels on Constitutional Reform vs. Revolution: Their 'Revisionism' Reviewed," Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory. March 2010. No. 122, pp. 51-91.
107. "On Samuel Bailey and the question of his 'influence': A sceptical view," in N. F. B. Allington & N. Thompson eds., Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, vol. 28B: English, Irish and Subversives Among the Dismal Scientists, Emerald Group, 2010, pp. 153-98.
108. "Reply to Professor Stirati's comment on my 'Sraffa and the interpretation of Ricardo'" (see no.93), in Sraffa and Modern Economics, eds. R.Ciccone, C.Gehrke and G. Mongiovi. London: Routledge, 2011, pp. 334-48.
109. "Making the Most of Anomaly in the History of Economic Thought: Smith, Marx-Engels, and Keynes," in Perspectives on Keynesian Economics, eds., Arie Arnon, J. Weinblatt, and W. Young. Heidelberg and London: Springer, 2011, pp.15-30.
110. "Understanding Engels (and Marx) and Adam Smith on economic organization and the price mechanism," in Rediscovering Political Economy, ed. J. Postell and B. C. S. Watson, Lanham MD: Lexington Books, 2011, pp. 83-106.
111. "On the Marxian Entrepreneur: Karl Marx's Abandonment of the Doctrine of Exploitation under Industrial Capitalism." International Critical Thought, I (December 2011), pp. 444–55.
112. "Thomas Robert Malthus and the Utilitarians", History of Economics Review, 64, 2016, pp. 2–26.
113. "Ethical utilitarianism and The Theory of Moral Sentiments: Adam Smith in Relation to Hume and Bentham", Eastern Economic Journal, 42, 2016, pp. 557-80.
114. "Thomas Robert Malthus (1766–1834)" in The Palgrave Companion to Cambridge Economics, vol. 1, ed. Robert A. Cord. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2017, pp. 233–56.
115. "Thomas Robert Malthus: On Keynes's Debt to Malthus" in The Elgar Companion to John Maynard Keynes, eds. Robert Dimand and H. Hagemann. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 2019, pp. 90–6.
116. "Ricardo on Machinery", Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33 (2), Spring 2019, pp. 229-42.
117. "John Stuart Mill and the Jewish Question: Broadening the Utilitarian Maximand" in Utility and Happiness: Essays presented to Frederick Rosen, eds. G. Varouxakis and M. Philp. London: University College Press. 2019, pp. 246–68.
118. "Karl Marx as Evolutionary and Some “Revisionist” Implications" in Karl Marx – Life, Ideas, Influence: A Critical Examination on the Bicentenary, eds. Shaibal Gupta, Marcello Musto and Babak Amini. Cham: Palgrave-Macmillan. 2019, pp. 247–71.
119. "On Karl Marx’s Evolutionist Credentials and the Marx-Mill Intellectual Relationship" in Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, vol. 37C, Emerald Publishing. 2019, pp. 73–97.
120. "Innovation, Technological Displacement of Labor and the Role of the State: The Classical Economists' Perspective" in Debating Innovation, ed. A. R. Örtenblad. London: Springer Nature. 2023.