Books All The Sources of Increased Efficiency: A Study of DuPont Rayon Plants The Economics of Adam Smith The Economics of David Ricardo The Economics of John Stuart Mill Volume I, Theory and Method The Economics of John Stuart Mill Volume II, Political Economy The Economics of Thomas Robert Malthus Classical Economics Ricardo – The New View The Literature of Political Economy John Stuart Mill on Economic Theory and Method Jean-Baptiste Say and the Classical Canon in Economics: The British Connection in French Classicism The Economics of Karl Marx: Analysis and Application Friedrich Engels and Marxian Political Economy Essays on Classical and Marxian Political Economy John Stuart Mill: Political Economist A History of Utilitarian Ethics, 1700-1875: Studies in Private Motivation and Distributive Justice Immanuel Kant and Utilitarian Ethics Hegel on Ethics, the State and Public Policy: Comparisons with Immanuel Kant and Utilitarianism    

Jean-Baptiste Say and the Classical Canon in Economics: The British Connection in French Classicism

Publisher: Routledge
Date: 2005
Pages: 336
Maria de Fatima Brandao. Review from
As a matter of fact, there is a systemic discord between the appraisal of Say’s economics put forward in this book and the appraisals to be found in most of the relevant literature…. In consequence, it is only to be expected that the publication of Jean-Baptiste Say… will give rise to a debate on Hollander’s canonical interpretation of Say that is as lively as the one that followed the presentation of the canonical interpretation of Ricardo in The Economics of David Ricardo.
Philippe Steiner. Review in Journal of the History of Economic Thought, September 2007, pp. 386-8
As we would expect, Hollander’s study is founded upon a profound knowledge of the writings of Say, as well as his exceptional knowledge of classical political economy. The book also benefits from his knowledge of the French language…. There is of course a price to be paid by the reader in the form of numerous and lengthy quotations in French. But this is a price worth paying if one is to fully appreciate this new study from an outstanding historian of economic thought.